• To get started with React Testing Library, you'll need to install it together with its peerDependency @testing-library/dom
  • This is what the author the library Kent C. Dodds says about it: Simple and complete React DOM testing utilities that encourage good testing practices.
  • React Testing Library is a set of helpers that let you test React components without relying on their implementation details.
  • import * as React from 'react' import {render, fireEvent, screen} from '@testing-library/react' import HiddenMessage from '../hidden-message'.
  • In this React Testing Library tutorial, we will go through all the steps necessary to unit test and integration test your React components with confidence.
  • Optimize DOM Testing using React Testing Library for enhanced accuracy, maintainability, and precise UI targeting with specific queries and options.
  • Releases · testing-library/react-testing-library. v16.0.0. 03 Jun 13:55. ... Dmitriy-Frostoff reacted with eyes emoji. All reactions.
  • In this tutorial, we’ll be building an accessible search bar component using React. We’ll also be adding a couple of unit tests with React Testing Library.
  • The React community has developed several libraries to facilitate the testing of React components, enabling developers to efficiently write and execute tests.
  • Now that we have the basics of React Testing Library covered, it's time to move on to firing events to see how to trigger and test click events.