• In this tutorial we learn how to install php-pecl-http on Ubuntu 20.04. php-pecl-http is pecl_http module for PHP Extended HTTP Support [dummy].
  • [l]# /usr/local/php/bin/pecl uninstall mongodb Unable to remove "extension=mongodb.so" from php.ini uninstall ok: channel://pecl.php.net/mongodb-1.5.5.
  • I found a few related posts here but didn't get my answer. So posting again. How would I install a PECL extension on windows?
  • PECL stands for “Positive Emitter Coupled Logic”. Pecl are differential logic outputs commonly used in high-speed clock distribution circuits.
  • To load extensions installed by PECL, we need to point the extension_dir in our php.ini to the extension directory created by PECL.
  • And PECL for Ubuntu Jammy (PHP Extension Community Library) is a Repository of Extensions for the PHP programming language.
  • The table below lists the available PHP modules and PECL extensions in ZendPHP, with corresponding operating systems, versions, and package name.
  • The abbreviation PECL can refer to: PHP Extension Community Library, a repository of extensions for the PHP programming language.
  • In this guide, we’ll discuss How To Install pecl on Ubuntu 22.04. Also, we will demonstrate how to uninstall and update pecl. One-liner install command.
  • You can also build the required PECL extension from source code yourself. Let's look at an example with the PECL imagick extension on a CentOS machine.