• Start using gulp in your project by running `npm i gulp`. There are 9406 other projects in the npm registry using gulp.
    • Weekly downloads:
    • Version:
      5.0.0 · 29 March 2024
    • Size:
      11.2 kB
  • Quick Start. If you've previously installed gulp globally, run npm rm --global gulp before following these instructions. For more information, read this Sip.
  • // Install gulp-sass npm install gulp-sass --save-dev. Import the gulp-sass module into your gulpfile and edit your transpileSassToCss.
  • If Node.js is already installed in your machine, please make sure the installed version is v12.x and jump to step 2. Run npm install --global gulp-cli command.
  • Check how to install npm in my article Installing npm. About how to install an older version of Gulp - Install an archive version of Gulp. $ npm install gulp-cli --global.
  • In the terminal type npm install --global gulp-cli. Ok, let's break this one down. We are using npm, the package manager, to install.
  • Let’s assume our application resides under the folder of C:\Gulp\Demo. In this example, instead of global installation, we can use a local version of gulp npm.
  • You'll need both Node.js and NPM installed to use Gulp and for the setup described below. To install Node.js and NPM, visit https://nodejs.org.
  • NPM, Gulp, and SASS. This tutroial is part of a series of lessons on Node Package Manager. In the first lesson in this series of tutorials you downloaded and...
  • That’s why I usually suggest to keep npm run to your personal projects, maybe use Gulp in projects where the team is comfy with Node, and Grunt everywhere else.