• To use GitLab CI/CD, you start with a .gitlab-ci.yml file at the root of your project which contains the configuration for your CI/CD pipeline.
  • Optimize GitLab and GitLab Runner for large repositories. Recommended strategies for handling large repositories. .gitlab-ci.yml full reference.
  • When you commit code, GitLab CI/CD uses this “recipe” to automatically build, test, and deploy your applications to any configured environment.
  • While GitHub CI has the devcontainers-ci GitHub Action, there is no such analog in GitLab CI. To achieve the goal of using your dev container in GitLab CI...
  • Tutorial #1: GitLab CI/CD Pipeline: Getting Started Tutorial. The following steps will help you get started with GitLab CI/CD.
  • As GitLab CI/CD has evolved, certain breaking changes have been necessary. For GitLab 15.0 and later, all breaking changes are documented on the following pages
  • GitLab CI/CD uses a simple YAML file, .gitlab-ci.yml, as the blueprint for these pipelines. At the beginning of a block, including the language, as in yaml.
  • Having well-defined gitlab ci yml, examples can speed up the process of setting up pipelines for different projects with varying requirements.
  • However, let’s look at a simple Gitlab CI CD pipeline for a home lab that you can easily set up to use CI CD instead of scheduled tasks, etc.