• Defining Golang Enum as Constants: Constraints in traditional enums often refer to restrictions placed on the allowed values or associated data types.
  • Enums are used widely and very powerful but like some other programming languages, the Go language does not support enum directly.
  • Enums are types that contain only a limited number of fixed values, as opposed to types like int or string which can have a wide range of values.
  • In Go, there is no enum data type known from languages such as C++, Java, or Python. ... See the example below to check how to declare enum in Go.
  • The goal of go-enum is to create an easy to use enum generator that will take a decorated type declaration like type EnumName int and create the associated...
    • Issues:
    • Last commit:
      18 December 2023
  • In Go Enum is a type that consists of a set of named constants. ... The following is an example of how to define an enum in Golang.
  • You should store your enum inside its own package because otherwise the const value will be available at the top level namespace of the file in which its defined.
  • This approach allows us to encapsulate the enum values within a specific type, providing better type safety and more control over the behavior of the enum.
  • Additionally, various libraries and tools, such as go-enum and Stringer, further simplify working with enums in Golang, adding functionalities like string...
  • In Go, enums are not a built-in data type, but they can be effectively implemented using constants and the iota keyword.