• The following twelve scholars were elected by vote for Sakharov scholarships for 2023-2024 academic year: We congratulate all the scholars and the …
  • Sakharov was subsequently deprived of all his Soviet honorary titles, and the couple was for several years kept under strict surveillance in the town of Gorkij.
  • Although the reclusive nature of the research would potentially cause others to recoil and suffer, Sakharov indulged in it given the nature of his upbringing.
  • Andrey Sakharov, Soviet nuclear theoretical physicist who won the 1975 Nobel Peace Prize as an outspoken advocate of human rights and civil liberties.
  • Most of the readings in this publication are taken from existing publications of Andrei Sakharov’s writings in English, which are now sadly out of print.
  • Andrei Sakharov was born on May 21, 1921, in Moscow (USSR) and revealed his talent for theoretical physics at an early age. He obtained his doctorate in 1945.
  • Sakharov became increasingly sensitive to issues of human rights, issuing public appeals in 1966 for the liberation of victims of repression.
  • Andrei Sakharov, çocukluğundan beri, birkaç akrabasının da birlikte yaşadığı Moskova Belediye Konut İdaresi'nin küçük bir dairesinde yaşadı.
  • Sakharov died soon after, however, of a sudden heart attack on 14 December 1989, at the age of 68. Andrei Sakharov Resources.
  • The project is under active development. More information coming soon.Work on the creation of the Andrei Sakharov Institute continues.