• By using memo, you are telling React that your component complies with this requirement, so React doesn’t need to re-render as long as its props haven’t changed.
  • In the beginning, to understand how to use React.Memo() in React applications, we should take a look at what is memoization.
  • Using memo will cause React to skip rendering a component if its props have not changed. This can improve performance. This section uses React Hooks.
  • Let's look at an example under React memo and how we can use it to optimize our components. import { useEffect, useState } from "react"
  • In this article, you will learn what React Memo means, what it does, how it works, and when or when not to use it.
  • This post introduces the React Memoization Series and demonstrates the usage of the React.memo API.
  • Internally React's memo function has to compare the previous props with the new props to decide whether it should re-render the component.
  • In React v16, React introduced a higher-order component React.memo() to increase user interface speed in functional React components .
  • The React.memo is a function that you can use to enhance the render efficiency of hooks and pure function components. It was first made available in React v16.6.
  • When React.memo() wraps a component, React memoizes the rendered output of the wrapped component and then skips unnecessary renderings.