• Vagrant is one of the most popular Developer Tools apps nowadays! Install Vagrant latest official version on your PC/laptop for free.
    • 3.1. Create Vagrant project directory
    • 3.2. Initialize Vagrant environment
    • 3.14. Run Vagrant commands from any directory
  • Tüm bu problemleri Vagrant ile kolaylıkla çözebiliriz. vagrant-are-you-still-develop-in-a-nonvirtual-environment-6-638 Vagrant Nedir?
  • Vagrant is a simple and easy to use tool that makes it really easy to manage virtual machines from the command-line interface.
  • Vagrant helps you configure your network configurations for VirtualBox as well as run the necessary scripts to provision your virtual machine.
  • Because ultimately every developer will be setting up his own test environment locally in his/her system. These are the problems, that vagrant is trying to solve.
  • Discover Vagrant on Windows, simplifying configuration and enhancing productivity. Experience streamlined coding for optimal development environments.
  • Vagrant Manager shows you which VM's you have up or halted. VM's that are running, have a green indicator, VM's that are off, display a red indicator.
  • If you're familiar with VirtualBox or GNOME Boxes, then learning Vagrant is easy. Vagrant is a simple and clean interface for working with virtual machines.
  • VVV requires recent versions of both Vagrant and VirtualBox to be installed. Vagrant is a “tool for building and distributing development environments”.