• ..."The transaction log for database '...' is full due to 'ACTIVE_TRANSACTION' while deleting old rows from tables of my database for freeing disk space.
  • Hi Team, I am getting the below error: The transaction log for database is full due to 'log_backup'.
  • One such error message is the ‘transaction log for database is full due to log_backup’. This happens when your database’s transaction log file gets too big.
  • A: When the transaction log for a database is full, it means that there is not enough space to record new transactions.
  • In the SQL Server database, the error "transaction log is full due to active_transaction" can occur due to incorrect settings or a completely filled transaction log.
  • Step 4. Change the recovery model back to full. This action will re-create a transaction log for the database.
  • The error “The transaction log for database x is full due to ACTIVE_TRANSACTION” can occur in SQL Server when the transaction log for a database...
  • _ODBC::Error: 37000 (9002) [unixODBC][FreeTDS][SQL Server]The transaction log for database 'Warehouse' is full.
  • The transaction log for database 'database_name' is full due to 'XTP_CHECKPOINT'. I tried to change the log growth settings to unlimited growth...
  • The transaction log for database 'myDB' is full due to 'ACTIVE_TRANSACTION'. Could not write a checkpoint record in database myDB because the log is out of...
  • For example, the SQL Server error 9002 which states the transaction log for database is full due to replication is a critical one.
  • If the log fills while the database is online, the database remains online but can only be read, not updated. When does SQL Server transaction log become full?
  • If you’re a SQL Server administrator, you may have encountered the vexing “transaction log for database is full due to log_backup” error message.
  • Tagged Error 9002 Severity 17 State 6, Error 9002, SQL Server, he Transaction Log for Database is Full Due to Replication, Transaction Log.