• It applies to the Bourne shell, the newer bash shell ("GNU Bourne-Again SHell") commonly found on GNU/Linux and many other commonly used shells.
  • NOTE: $man sh or $man bsh on most UNIX systems will list the generalities of the Bourne Shell as well as detail the specifics to that version of UNIX.
  • Shell Types: In UNIX there are two major types of shells: The Bourne shell. If you are using a Bourne-type shell, the default prompt is the $ character.
  • Manual of the Bourne Shell on Version 7. released under the license of Caldera. original sh.1 massaged, nroffed and htmlized.
  • You are advised to to use another shell which has these features. The Bourne shell does provide an easy to use language with which you can write shell scripts.
  • This tutorial discusses of Bourne shell programming, describing features of the original Bourne Shell. The newer POSIX shells have more features.
  • This article examines the features of the POSIX shell, more commonly known as the Bourne shell. The most common Bourne shell implementation on...
  • The Bourne shell’s architectural code was implemented in subsequent versions of UNIX shell, including Bourne Again shell (Bash), Korn shell and Zsh shell.
  • This section briefly summarizes things which Bash inherits from the Bourne shell: shell control structures, builtins, variables, and other features.