• Learn about Dapr - Distributed Application Runtime, its features, benefits, and use cases. Find out how Dapr can enhance your distributed applications.
  • To pluck a description straight from https://dapr.io/ - Dapr is "An event-driven, portable runtime for building microservices on cloud and edge.".
  • For more information on the community engagement, developer and contributing guidelines and more, head over to the Dapr community repo.
  • 欢迎来到Dapr文档,你可以通过以下链接学习Dapr ... 最佳实践 - 有关Dapr的最佳实践指南 调试及故障排除. 参考 - 参考文档. SDKs.
  • Dapr offers built-in state management, reliable messaging (at least once delivery), triggers and bindings through standard HTTP verbs or gRPC interfaces.
  • I'm trying to run a basic Dapr setup with dotnet. I followed documentation and sample projects but with no luck for now.
  • Which is the best alternative to dapr? Based on common mentions it is: Next.js, Supabase, Gin, Swc, Echo, Fiber, Keda, Envoy, Staticbackendhq/Core or Micro/Micro.
  • Make sure to remove the @dapr/dapr package first. This package is not meant for production use, and should only be used for development purposes.
  • ^ "GitHub - dapr/dapr: Dapr is a portable, event-driven, runtime for building distributed applications across cloud and edge" – via GitHub.
  • Dapr is a portable, serverless, event-driven runtime that makes it easy for developers to build resilient, stateless and stateful microservices that run on the cloud...