• Ontario was one of the founding members of Confederation, along with New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Québec, in 1867.
  • Located in east-central Canada, Ontario has the biggest population in the country and is the second-largest province in total area.
  • Онтарио – самая населенная канадская провинция и бурлящий мультикультурный коктейль.
  • Ontario is composed of two regions of widely different character, Northern and Southern Ontario.
  • Ontario is Canada's second-largest province, and the most populous, with more than 14 million inhabitants.
  • Ontario is extending emergency orders until July 22.
  • Самая высокая точка Онтарио - 693 метра над уровнем моря (гора Ишпатина).
  • Онтарио — вторая по величине провинция Канады и самая густонаселенная, с населением более 14 миллионов человек.
  • Ontario is home to over 330 Provincial Parks and countless opportunities to enjoy the beautiful outdoors.
  • Ontario is a large, vaguely fish-shaped province with most people living in the tail.