• Perl 5 gained widespread popularity in the late 1990s as a CGI scripting language, in part due to its then unsurpassed regular expression and string parsing abilities.
  • Bunun sebebi CPAN yani Comprehensive Perl Archive Network olarak isimlendirilen ve Perl ile ilgili binlerce hazır modülü barındıran sistemdir.
  • The Eskimo greeting operator can be most frequently met in Perl one-liners. ... It causes Perl to assume the following loop around your program
  • Sadly enough Perl redefined several of C loop control structure keywords, but we will discuss it later.. Perl view of true and false in expressions.
  • Larry Wall designed Perl in 1988. It was extensively used for web application development in the form of Perl/CGI throughout the ’90s and early ’00s.
  • You can add any of Perl's command line switches to this line, and they will be treated as if they were part of the command line after the switches provided there.
  • logger("We have a logger subroutine!"); ### # Modules #. A module is a set of Perl code, usually subroutines, which can be used # in other Perl code.
  • Perl is, of course, a great language for doing this and in this article we’ll build a web application that displays our reading lists.
  • But I also see people claiming that Perl 6 is newer and is not as mature as Perl 5 which has thousands (about 193K) of packages.
  • The Binding Operator, =~ Matching against $_ is merely the default; the binding operator (=~) tells Perl to match the pattern on the right against the string on …