• 9. the his prize collection of amusing caricature pottery. 10. Dave walks me back to my flat relating some amusing stories about Bill on the way.
  • amusing (adj.) 1590s, "cheating;" present-participle adjective from amuse (v.). The sense of "interesting" is from 1712; that of "pleasantly entertaining, tickling to the...
  • — If something is amusing, it makes you laugh or it entertains you. We had a very amusing afternoon playing with the kids, but we didn't get anything done.
  • Then, as I was leaving, my informant added what he thought was a rather amusing story. Four Clever People Four amusing stories about four different people.
  • Amusing "Did You Know?" quips spice up Math Dictionary with amusing anecdotes such as how the number "googol" (ten to the hundredth power) got its name.
  • Amusing is something entertaining or funny; amused is the feeling of being entertained or finding something funny. ... It's the reaction one has to something amusing.
  • Definition of AMUSING. (adj)providing enjoyment; pleasantly entertaining. (adj)arousing or provoking laughter.
  • The art of medicine consists in amusing the patient while nature cures the disease. Nothing is so perfectly amusing as a total change of ideas.
  • The theater was known for its often clever and amusing marquees. Todd McCarthy of "Variety" called it "a consistently amusing action romp".
  • There are several synonyms for the word "amusing" that can be used to describe something that is entertaining, enjoyable, or funny.