• Host TeamCity fully on your infrastructure, or let us do the job for you with TeamCity Cloud. Make use of self-hosted agents and multi-node setup.
  • If you are using TeamCity with a Professional Server license and without any additional license keys, you can upgrade to the next version at any time for free.
  • Context: TeamCity is a user-friendly CI/CD platform that’s perfect for beginners. Today, we’ll focus on creating a CI pipeline.
  • TeamCity supports Java, .NET, and Ruby development and integrates perfectly with major IDEs, version control systems, and issue tracking systems.
  • TeamCity Cloud goes public beta! Run your CI/CD pipelines in the cloud, all hosted and managed by JetBrains. Completely free during beta.
  • ...using the war file are here Installing TeamCity into Existing J2EE Container, but I’m going to describe my approach that installs TeamCity on a Linux system.
  • TeamCity is an all-in-one DevOps tool that provides continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery/deployment (CD) capabilities.
  • See what developers are saying about how they use TeamCity. Check out popular companies that use TeamCity and some tools that integrate with TeamCity.
  • Once you have TeamCity, you will have build history insight with customizable statistics on build duration, success rate, code quality and custom metrics.
  • ...için otomatik olarak yapıp çıkan sürümleri oluşturan uygulamalara "(bkz: continuous integration )" denir. bu işi yapan ürünlerder bir taneside teamcity dir.