• We can get our hands on the GraalVM in more than one way, either building it on our own or downloading a pre-built version from a vendor website
  • for distributions that use update-alternatives command (i.e., Debian family, Red-Hat family, SuSE family) read general GraalVm installation post.
  • Ahead-of-Time Compilation: The native image feature of GraalVM allows you to compile your Java applications into standalone executables.
  • I’ll first build the example with just Java, and then again with JavaScript to show of the polyglot features of GraalVM, building a single binary each time.
  • First of all, Graal is a research project hosted at the Oracle labs. Since 2012, the development team has published 60+ papers on GraalVM.
  • In this series posts, I will be exploring what GraalVM can bring to JVM ecosystem. This is the first post in the series which introduces the GraalVM.
  • In this article, we will talk about our journey to evaluate, adopt and use GraalVM to migrate our existing terminal-based payment applications into the cloud.
  • Now let's see how we can use AWS Lambda with GraalVM to resolve Java’s cold start problem and significantly improve performance.
  • GraalVM has released major version 21.0 with a new component, Java on Truffle, that provides a JVM implementation written in Java.
  • GraalVM 22.1 was introduced April 26. ... The developers of GraalVM found that quick build mode resulted in an 43% improvement in the overall build time.