• Крис Бенуа почти моментально стал мейн-эвентером компании, постоянно участвуя в знаковых фьюдах.
  • In the 1990s, Chris Benoit was considered one of the most famous athletes in the World Championship Wrestling and the World Wrestling Federation.
  • Позже Кевин хорошо отомстил Крису: став буккером – Крис Бенуа проигрывал все свои матчи.
  • #ТрагедииЗнаменитостей #КрисБенуа Ровно 12 лет назад суперзвезда реслинга Крис Бенуа убил свою семью и себя.
  • Крис Бенуа был одним из лучших рестлеров технического стиля в истории, оставившим свой след в множестве промоушнов...
  • In just three days period Chris Benoit the Wrestling Icon killed his wife, his son, and committed suicide by hanging himself to a weight machine cable.
  • Chris Benoit will never be forgotten, but his horrific actions on those three nights will forever overshadow his in-ring accomplishments.
  • The Chris Benoit death, including the murder of his family, is one of the ugliest black marks on the WWE; surpassing the controversy of Owen Hart's horrific.
  • В сети Крис Бенуа имеет рост в основном 180-181 сантиметр.
  • Benoit began his career in 1985 in Stu Hart’s Stampede Wrestling promotion, but in 1989 he left for New Japan Pro Wrestling.