• 1.type of music do you prefer: pop, rock, heavy metal? 2. do you like fantasy? ... - They live in the USA, Ireland and Sweden.
  • 1.type of music do you prefer: pop, rock, heavy metal? 2. do you like fantasy? ... - They live in the USA, Ireland and Sweden.
  • 1 ... type of music do you prefer: pop, rock, heavy metal? ... Fill in the gaps with question words. 1) ... questions does this questionnaire have?
  • Fill in the gaps with question words. 1.type of music do you prefer: pop, rock, heavy metal? 2. do you like fantasy?
  • Fill in the gaps with question words. 1.type of music do you prefer: pop, rock, heavy metal? 2. do you like fantasy?
  • 1.type of music do you prefer: pop, rock,... Fill in the gaps with question words. 1.type of music do you prefer: pop, rock, heavy metal?
  • 1.type of music do you prefer: pop, rock, heavy metal? 2. do you like fantasy? ... - They live in the USA, Ireland and Sweden.
  • 1.type of music do you prefer: pop, rock,... Fill in the gaps with question words. 1.type of music do you prefer: pop, rock, heavy metal?