• Another version states that petty criminals became known as gopniks because the expression gop-stop is criminal slang for a street robbery or mugging.
  • Gopnik ile konuşmaya halen devam ettiyseniz, onunla nasıl konuşacağınızı bilmelisiniz.
  • What no one understood then, and what few understand even today, is that the 1990s wasn’t so much the high-water mark for the Gopnik Nation, as the...
  • ...keko bağcılarus akrabası gibi nike değil adidas giyerler ve ayakkabı olarak mutlaka adidas superstar vardır efenim. en sevdiği müzik ise gopnik hardbass dır.
  • The classic dress code of the gopnik, formed in the 1990s, is a tracksuit (sometimes in combination with leather shoes), a black jacket and a flat cap, whilst the...
  • Gerçekten de, o günlerde, Gopnik'in hizmetleri genellikle yerel makamlar tarafından kendi elleriyle kirletmemek için kullanılıyordu.
  • Gopniks (rus. гопники) are a street hooligan counterculture in Russia and ex-Soviet countries, similar to chavs.
  • Gopnik is a slang term that originated in Russia and is used to describe a certain subculture of young men who are known for their rough...
  • A gopnik in Russian, and in Russia, is now a drunken hooligan, a small-time lout, a criminal without even the sinister glamour of courage.
  • Gopnik terimi, Sovyetler Birliği'ndeki alt kültür gruplarından birini ifade eder.