• Most OpenOffice.org developers have moved to LibreOffice in order to speed up the pace of development and innovation. Key Features.
  • Introduction. Part I: Introducing OpenOffice.org. Part II: Using Writer - The Word Processor. Part III: Using Calc - The Spreadsheet.
  • You can fork from https://github.com/apache/openoffice-org, test your changes as described below and raise a pull request.
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  • sun microsystems'in star office ofis suit ini open source etmesiyle olusan konsept openoffice.org.
  • Yaptığınız yere giden Microsoft Office'e bir alternatif. Taşınabilir OpenOffice.org 3.0, son olarak rafları vurdu - ancak Microsoft Word için geçerli bir alternatif mi?
  • OpenOffice`in 1.1.1 sürümünde aşağıdaki bileşenler yer alıyor: / href="/linux" >Linux altında KDE sunumuyla Openoffice.org ofis sisteminden 4 program.
  • OpenOffice.org is a free software replacement for Microsoft Office. See the official documentation wiki.
  • OpenOffice.org is a freely available cross-platform office suite similar to rival Microsoft(R) Office, with good support for .doc, .xml and other formats.
  • Let’s explore the power and usability of Base, a database-management program included in the OpenOffice.org (OOo) suite.