• Character in Fallout 2 use the SPECIAL stat system (it is persisted through all Fallout franchise) where each stat affects your character and game differently
  • Of course there is way to ignore this by talking, anyhow Fallout 2 is a good continuation for the Fallout 1, and soon the third one is here!
  • Fallout 2. Description. You are the Chosen One, the direct descendant of the Vault Dweller.
  • Fallout 2 oyunu Microsoft Windows ve MAC OS işletim sistemlerinde oynanabilmektedir.
  • Mastering your character’s skills and traits for survival, Fallout ® 2 will challenge you to endure in a...
  • - Those who decide to download Fallout 2 torrent, will be available a fascinating story with a nonlinear development.
  • Fallout 2 DRM-Free Download – PC Game – Full GOG Version. Title: Fallout 2 Genre: Role-playing – Turn-based – Sci-fi Works on: Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10...
  • Forbes’un bir raporuna göre, “Fallout” evreninin sadık bir şekilde uyarlanmasıyla dizi, eleştirmenlerden ve Rotten Tomatoes’da yüksek bir dereceyle...
  • Fallout 2: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game is a turn-based role-playing open world video game developed by Black Isle Studios and published by Interplay...
  • Fallout 2 is a full-scale sequel of the post-apocalyptic Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game which debuted on PCs in the fall of 1997 and turned out to...