• Bir necha yillik izlanishdan soʻng Sofya Kovalevskaya ustozi Karl Veyershtrass rahbarligida doktorlik dissertatsiyasini yozishga qaror qildi.
  • After Kovalevsky’s suicide in 1883, Kovalevskaya was offered a position at Stockholm.
  • Sofia Kovalevskaya managed it, if you can put it like that, through her tenacity, her self-confidence and her work.
  • Matematikte kendi adıyla bilinen önemli bir Teorem bulunan Kovalevskaya Rusya'daki bir üniversitede ders vermek istediğinde...
  • Sofia Vasilievna Kovalevskaya (kızlık soyadı Korvin-Krukovskaya ; 3 Ocak [15], 1850 , Moskova - 29 Ocak [ 10 Şubat ] , 1891 , Stockholm ) - Rus matematikçi ve tamirci...
  • Polubarinova-Kochina ''Love and Mathematics: Sofya Kovalevskaya, Mir Publishers, 1985'' başlığıyla M. Burov tarafından İngilizceye çevrildi ve R...
  • ...for men and if the number of female mathematicians grows slowly but constantly now, it is because of women like Sofia Vasilievna Kovalevskaya (1851-1891).
  • Biyografi Konusu: Sofya Kovalevskaya (Sonja Kowalewsky) nereli hayatı kimdir.
  • Sofia Kovalévskaya was a notable woman for her contributions to the fields of math and physics as much as for her impressive tenacity.
  • THE LETTERS OF S V KOVALEVSKAYA translated by Joan Spicci Saberhagen with Ivana Cerna taken from the text...