• Sandro Kopp was born 1978 in Heidelberg, Germany, of New Zealand and German descent.
  • В свет со своим возлюбленным, 40-летним Сандро Коппом, она выходит тоже крайне редко.
  • Sandro Kopp is a famous contemporary visual artist who predominantly has Skype as the central subject of his artwork.
  • В 2004 году у актрисы завязался роман с немецким художником новозеландского происхождения Сандро Коппом.
  • Sandro Kopp—It’s very much about human connection and about presence, and about a mediation of presence, which all my work is about.
  • Тильда Суинтон, Джон Бирн и Сандро Копп (на фото справа). С 2004 года у Тильды отношения с Сандро Коппом.
  • Artist Sandro Kopp is meeting me to discuss an exhibition of portraits he's painted over Skype.
  • Painter Sandro Kopp shows his vernissage "Artists Statement - Intensive Care Units" in the collection "Friedrichshof Stadtraum" in Vienna.
  • Tilda Swinton and Sandro Kopp are both a little bit of strange magic in their own right, but that’s beside the point.
  • The painter responsible is Sandro Kopp, who, for the past months, has been working on a series of portraits of passionately loved soft toys of childhood.