• There are several interactables, regions, points of interests, and and areas you can explore in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3).
  • Baldur's Gate 3 is a gold standard for RPGs, setting the bar incredibly high for future games in the genre - and it's something I know I'll be coming back to time...
  • So, what better way to celebrate than with a modathon? This July, the Baldurs Gate 3 Modding Community will be hosting a month-long Modathon!
  • Baldur's Gate 3 is a singleplayer and multiplayer RPG game developed and published by Larian Studios. It is the eleventh overall entry in the Baldur's Gate series.
  • Baldurs Gate 3 is characterized by a unique plot filled with intrigue, mysteries and unexpected turns of events.
  • Baldur's Gate 3 was released on Steam Early Access in October 2020. Only one act of the game's three acts has been playable there.
  • An ancient evil has returned to Baldur's Gate, intent on devouring it from the inside out. The fate of Faerun lies in your hands. ... Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance.
  • Today was the day when Baldurs Gate 3’s much-awaited Patch 7 — the Patch that meant is to introduce official modding tools — was meant to be released.
  • Compare Baldur's Gate 3 prices from 12 trusted stores with 23 offers, and use our exclusive discount codes to guarantee the best deals on your PC games.