• Forged with the new Divinity 4.0 engine, Baldurs Gate 3 by Larian Studios gives the unprecedented freedom to explore, experiment...
  • Nearly half of Baldur's Gate III players pet the dog, and millions of hours have already been played of the game. (Larian Studios).
  • As a long-time gamer and Dungeon & Dragons Gamemaster, my experience with Larian StudiosBaldurs Gate III has been nothing short of extraordinary.
  • Baldur's Gate 3 is an isometric role-playing game being developed and published by Larian Studios, with support work done by Wushu Studios.
  • Baldur's Gate III is a video game and the third part in the Baldur's Gate series. It was announced on June 6, 2019, by its developer Larian Studios in a Google Stadia stream.
  • Screenshot of Karlach in Baldur's Gate 3 Larian Studios. Karlach is a standout and is one of the best video games characters ever written.
  • At the heart of Baldur's Gate 3 beats the new Divinity 4.0 engine, giving you unprecedented freedom to explore...
  • Baldur's Gate 3 is a gold standard for RPGs, setting the bar incredibly high for future games in the genre...
  • Larian Studios released a new trailer, screenshots, and details on Baldurs Gate III during its “Panel from Hell: Release Showcase...
  • Larian Studios has made something truly incredible, and even as the studio continues to fine-tune and polish with post-launch patches, Baldurs Gate 3 feels like...