• The game design is just much better, and it really feels like FromSoftware learned from all the criticism of the past two Dark Souls games.
  • While bare-bones on the surface, Dark Souls Remastered is one of the best games of the last 20 years running better than it ever has.
  • "We are currently in the process of restoring the online servers for the Dark Souls series on PC," FromSoftware said in an email sent to PC Gamer.
  • Survival tips for Dark Souls Remastered - how to beat the game from start to finish.
  • ©Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc. / ©2011-2018 FromSoftware, Inc.
  • Dark Souls was the spiritual successor to Demon's Souls as Sony owned the Demon's Souls IP and wouldn't allow it to be published on other platforms at the time.
  • No poppable souls in NG+ carried over from NG. You have to be at 0 souls at the start of the run (darksign in the cell).
  • Demon’s Souls is the blueprint for everything FromSoftware has done with the Dark Souls games that followed.
  • Dark Souls 2 is widely considered one of the lesser FromSoftware games, but I have to disagree.
  • The first Dark Souls is where FromSoftware both addressed the legit frustrations of Demon’s Souls and created altogether new ones in one swift movement.