• As someone who did not have access to an iOS device when Fallout Shelter first released, I eagerly awaited the release of the game on Android devices.
  • Game of the Week" - TouchArcade "Probably the best game of E3 2015” – Gizmodo "Fallout Shelter is simple to play and addictive as hell."
  • Fallout Shelter Fallout Shelter is a free-to-play game in which players take on the role of the Overseer of a Vault-Tec Vault from the Fallout universe.
  • Buy Fallout Shelter and shop other great Nintendo products online at the official My Nintendo Store.
  • Fallout Shelter Online is a Adventure game developed by Shengqu Games, and with the best Android emulator, LDPlayer, you can now enjoy Fallout Shelter...
  • Fallout Shelter puts you in control of a state-of-the-art underground Vault.
  • Fallout Shelter brings the Fallout franchise to mobile platforms with a vault management game that has players fighting off raids...
  • Fallout Shelter is a free of charge strategic game designed for devices using iOS and Android operating system.
  • We have thousands of Reviews and ratings of video gamesfor ps4, Ps3 xbox one, xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, 3DS, NDS and mobile.
  • Extra Credits, a YouTube channel devoted to the analysis of game design, has published a video on Fallout Shelter.