• In addition to 3D bioprinting, some groups have also examined 4D bioprinting, which takes into account the fourth dimension of time.
  • Made possible by our incredible team using 3D bioprinting technology, we now have the ability to cultivate any type of steak of any dimension.
  • The world of medicine and biomaterials has collided with advances in 3D printing, creating a new clinical paradigm in biomedicine: 3D bioprinting.
  • Global 3D bioprinting market size & share estimated to attain USD 6.53 billion by 2030, to grow at a CAGR of 15.9% during the forecast period.
  • The Global 3D Bioprinting Market is projected to grow from USD 2.2 billion in 2021 to USD XX billion by 2028, at a CAGR of 27% during the forecast period.
  • Currently, there are three major types of 3D bioprinting techniques: inkjet bioprinting, microextrusion bioprinting and laser-assisted bioprinting.
  • It contains descriptions of the various bioprinting processes and technologies … - Selection from 3D Bioprinting [Book].
  • 3D printing is one of the most innovative technologies in the current era, while 3D bioprinting is revolutionizing the medical technology industry.
  • Currently, his Ph.D. investigates the use of acoustic micromanipulation and 3D bioprinting as tools to pattern and define the cellular microenvironment.