• git clone, git fetch and git pull, but not git push, will also accept a suitable bundle file.
  • The git clone command is used to create a copy of a specific repository or branch within a repository. Git is a distributed version control system.
  • Instead, using Git, you can Git clone a repository from a hosting service like GitHub, GitLab, and others via SSH or HTTPS.
  • Step 6: Create a bare clone of the repository. $ git clone --bare https://github.com/username/old-repo.git.
  • On this page you can find out useful information about Git clone command, its usage, most common configuration options, as well as Git URLs.
  • If a project has already been set up in a central repository, the git clone command is the most common way for users to obtain a development copy.
  • If you want to clone into the current folder, you should try this: git clone https://github.com/example/example.git ./
  • Use Case 7: Clone an Existing Repository and Fetch a Specific Branch Only. git clone --branch name --single-branch remote_repository_location.
  • However, there are some details to be aware of when using the git clone command. Does Git Clone Get All Branches?
  • Cloning/copy another repository from the cloud to your machine with Git Clone Command.