• Animation showing the tunnel effect and its application to an STM. Quantum tunnelling falls under the domain of quantum mechanics.
  • The phenomenon of tunneling, which has no counterpart in classical physics, is an important consequence of quantum mechanics.
  • Quantum tunneling is a quantum-mechanical effect which allows quantum objects to surmount barriers although they do not have enough energy to do this.
  • Quantum tunnelling is one of the core quantum phenomena in quantum biology. It is essential for both proton tunnelling and electron tunnelling.
  • Transcript: http://www.davidcolarusso.com/blog/?p=33#more-33This video is an adaptation of an earlier piece of mine--Perspective on quantum mechanical tunnel...
  • Quantum tunneling refers to the nonzero probability that a particle in quantum mechanics can be measured to be in a state that is forbidden in classical...
  • The key characteristics of the application of quantum tunneling for time control and time travel are presented in the picture below.
  • The quantum tunneling effect is a quantum phenomenon which occurs when particles move through a barrier that, according to the theories of classical physics...
  • Explore how particles surpass a wall like barrier, through quantum tunneling without having enough energy to do so, which isn’t possible in classical physics.