• Research work has given physiologists the possibility to find out that the heart muscle works or contracts about one third of the time of the person’s life.
  • The Work of the Human Heart The human heart contracts from the first moment of life to the last one.
  • The human heart contracts from the first moment of life until the last one. What is the total weight of the blood pumped by the heart daily?
  • Physiologists have established that in the adult the heart makes from 60 to 7,' beats per minute.4n children the rate of heartbeat is much higher.
  • Physiologists have established that in the adult the heart makes from 60 to 7,' beats per minute.4n children the rate of heartbeat is much higher.
  • Physiologists have established that in the adult the heart makes from 60 to 7,' beats per minute.4n children the rate of heartbeat is much higher.
  • The contraction of the human heart is off-set between the atria and the ventricles. First the atria contract and then the ventricles contract shortly after.
  • Physiologists have established that in the adult the heart makes from 60 to 7,' beats per minute.4n children the rate of heartbeat is much higher.
  • Physiologists have established that in the adult the heart makes from 60 to 7,' beats per minute.4n children the rate of heartbeat is much higher.
  • 5. john floyer, an english doctor, was the first scientist 1 to find out the varying pulse rate in men. ... 1.The human heart makes 60—80 contractions per minute.=
  • The period of rest is called the diastole. Research work of many physiologists has estimated the role of the ventricles as the main pump of the human heart.
  • Physiologists have established that in the adult the heart makes from 60 to 7,' beats per minute.4n children the rate of heartbeat is much higher.
  • The Work of the Human Heart The human heart contracts from the first moment of life to the last one. The contractions of the heart pump blood through the...
  • Exercise 6. Read and translate the text: Work of the Human Heart. The human heart contracts from the first moment of life until the last one.