• There are two major types of shells: Bourne Shell and C Shell. ... The default shell for many Linux distros is the Bourne-Again Shell (bash).
  • In bash script, what does #!/bin/bash at the 1st line mean ? In Linux system, we have shell which interprets our UNIX commands.
  • You can give any name and extension to a shell script, it does not matter. The important thing is that it must start with a “shebang” on the first line: #!/bin/bash.
  • The operating system sees that the first two bytes of the file are #!, reads /bin/bash from that line, and then actually executes /bin/bash myscript.bash.
  • In bash script use #!/bin/bash specifies which will be interpreted with the bash shell or interpreter /bin/bash.
  • Ever found yourself stuck with the '/bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory' error while executing your shell script?
  • So we can use shebang, that is, #!/bin/bash at the start or top of the script to instruct our system to use bash as a default shell.
  • #!/bin/bash #. Take two arguments from the command line echo "First argument: $1" echo "Second argument: $2". You could then run this script with two arguments
  • Aşağıda yer alan basit bash script örneğini herhangi bir dizine komut olarak kayıt edin. #!/bin/bash echo "Merhaba dünya".