• The “Depth of Field” (DoF) determines how focused your subject is when taking a photograph. The more technical definition of it is
  • Depth of field (DoF)—the phenomenon responsible for achieving selective focus—can be a complicated subject to understand for beginners.
  • New depth of field preview zoom feature allows to precisely see its range on the person even for small values of DOF.
  • On top of amusement attractions, DOF is also developing various R&D projects such as Automated Mobile Robot(AMR) or Meta Bike with its deep know-how.


  • By Elizabeth 82 Comments Last Updated On April 28, 2021. Depth of field (DoF) is one of the most important concepts in photography.
  • The depth of field (DOF) is the distance between the nearest and the furthest objects that are in acceptably sharp focus in an image captured with a camera.
  • Beginner photography enthusiasts are often a bit mystified when first learning about depth of field (DOF). How exactly do camera angles and f-stops affect DOF?
  • In physics, the degree of freedom (DOF) of a mechanical system is the number of independent parameters that define its configuration.
  • It has made DOF one of the most exciting places to work, where the company’s size and solidity creates a safe space for playing often, trying always...
  • The illustrations you’ll see here were created to help you understand how the DOF world works conceptually—the images are not “to scale” so to speak.