• Before we dive into the details of getDerivedStateFromProps(), it's important to understand the basic component lifecycle in ReactJS.
  • getDerivedStateFromProps(props, state) is a static method that is called just before render() method in both mounting and updating phase in React.
  • These methods are called when an instance of a component is being created and inserted into the DOM: constructor(). static getDerivedStateFromProps().
  • getDerivedStateFromProps is called right before the render method during the initial mounting of the component and also before each re-render.
  • static getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, prevState) { if (prevState.someMirroredValue !== nextProps.someValue) {.
  • The getDerivedStateFromProps() lifecycle method in React serves a key purpose. It is invoked post-component instantiation and prior to re-rendering.
  • The new static getDerivedStateFromProps() lifecycle method is invoked after a component is instantiated as well as before it is re-rendered.
  • getDerivedStateFromProps(). The getDerivedStateFromProps() method is where we can set the state object based on the initial props.
  • getDerivedStateFromProps is invoked every time a component is rendered. ... This is one of the simplest patterns to address with getDerivedStateFromProps
  • getDerivedStateFromProps exists for only one purpose. It enables a component to update its internal state as the result of changes in props.