• Welcome to the gpg4usb project. gpg4usb is a very easy to use and small portable editor to encrypt and decrypt any text-message or -file you want.
  • Since gpg4usb is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL), you can use it on as many machines as you want.
  • gpg4usb Icon. gpg4usb. GnuPG-frontend to write, encrypt and decrypt your text-messages and files. Free.
  • To install, download the latest version from http://www.gpg4usb.org/download.html and extract the gpg4usb folder to your flash drive.
  • gpg4usb is an easy to use portable editor to encrypt and decrypt with gnupg. Homepage: http://www.gpg4usb.org - Releases · gpg4usb/gpg4usb.
  • Setup GPG Relay in WSL. Required Materials. Install WSL USB Bridges on Windows. ... Required Materials. gpg4win downloaded. Verify Integrity.
  • gpg4usb is a basic, tabbed notepad tool with easy-to-use text and file encryption tools.
  • Free. Windows. Gpg4usb is a text-editor with a GnuPG-frontend to write, encrypt and decrypt your text-messages and files.
  • gpg4usb creates RSA keys with an encryption subkey and a master key. Your master key is used for signing other keys, creating subkeys, and revoking subkeys.