• Interestingly, the word portmanteau itself is also a blend of two different words: porter (to carry) and manteau (a cloak).
  • Coordinate blends (also called associative or portmanteau blends) combine two words having equal status, and have two heads.
  • A portmanteau is a word or morpheme whose form and meaning are derived from a blending of two or more distinct forms, e.g., smog from smoke and fog.
  • PORTMANTEAU meaning: 1. a large case for carrying clothes while travelling, especially one that opens out into two parts….
  • Microsoft is a portmanteau of microcomputer and software. Groupon combines group and coupon. Instagram combines instant (camera) and telegram.
  • a. A word formed by merging the sounds and meanings of two different words, as chortle, from chuckle and snort. Also called portmanteau word.
  • ] "Portmanteau word" is used to describe a linguistic blend, namely "a word formed by blending sounds from two or more distinct words and combining their...
  • The term ‘portmanteau’ itself is a testament to this blending words phenomenon. It is derived from the French words for ‘to carry’ (porte) and ‘cloak’ (manteau).
  • Incidentally, the original French word "portemanteau" is a portmanteau. "Porte" means carries and "manteau" means coat, so a portemanteau is something that...