• The three primary colors, red, green and blue, are made by mixing the highest intensity of the desired color with the lowest intensities of the other two
  • There are many shades of red that we have not included on this page but these are some of the more common hues that are used in red color palettes.
  • The above examples use red as the color value. I could just as easily used the hexadecimal or RGB color values and the result would've been the same.
  • Red (HEX #FF0000) is a vibrant, powerful color that exudes strength and dynamism. It stirs up passionate emotions of boldness, confidence, courage and joy.
  • The first recorded use of imperial red as a color name in English was in 1914.[18] Note: the RGB values for Pantone red and imperial red are identical.
  • Find a beautiful red color palette from Color Hunt's curated collection.
  • In the RGB color space, the color Red has the values (255, 0, 0), being composed of 100.0% Red (R), 0.0% Green (G), and 0.0% Blue (B).
  • Red is one of the primary colors along with blue and green – this means that the primary red color does not contain any blue or green.
  • Similar / Matching Pantone color(s) for Red Color | #FF0000 Color | Hex code #f00.