• Jul 3, 2024 - The subtle tension in the air today might be just what you need to make you more aware of subconscious issues that affect your behavior, Sagittarius.
  • They do not like to be false or pretentious, preferring to be upfront, honest, and telling it like it is. With a Sagittarius, you know what you see is what you get.
  • Table of Contents
    • Sagittarius Quick Facts
    • Sagittarius Sign and Symbol
  • Centaurs were the great scholars and intellectuals of Greek and Roman myth, but Sagittarius personality is hotheaded and aggressive.
  • Glyph: The Sagittarius glyph symbolizes a line of wisdom angled away from trouble and earthly concerns and pointing toward higher ideals.
  • Sagittarius is a mutable sign, meaning it is associated with adaptability and flexibility. This perfectly reflects the archers' deep-rooted desire for change.
  • They find it all fascinating—Sagittarius’ feet will never tire. This never-ending desire will give Sagittarius’ life meaning.
  • What are the typical Sagittarius traits? What makes Sagittarius people special and their approach toward marriage, finances, and adventures?
  • The Milky Way is at its densest near Sagittarius, as this is where the galactic center lies. Consequently, Sagittarius contains many star clusters and nebulae.
  • Their blunt way of speaking, the free words and their direct, open style of speaking often gives the impression that Sagittarius is capable of unbelievable deeds.