• Don’t know what a portmanteau is? If you have heard of the words brunch, blog and pixel, then yes, you know portmanteaus (just not what they are).
  • The word Portmanteau is derived from the French word portmanteau , combined from porter (to carry) and manteau (mantle).
  • A portmanteau is a word created by blending sounds and meanings from multiple other words (e.g., friend + enemy = frenemy).
  • Incidentally, the original French word "portemanteau" is a portmanteau. "Porte" means carries and "manteau" means coat, so a portemanteau is something that...
  • portmanteau (n.) 1580s, "flexible traveling case or bag for clothes and other necessaries," from Middle French portemanteau "traveling bag," originally "court official...
  • Welcome to the Portmanteaur Portmanteau Generator!
  • Portmanteau refers to the linguistic blend of words in which multiple words and their meanings are combined together to form a new word.
  • In this article, we have covered the Meaning of Portmanteau words along with a list of Categories-wise examples and many more.
  • Rodolphus therefore finding such an earnest Invitation, embrac'd it with thanks, and with his Servant and Portmanteau, went to Don Juan's...
  • A portmanteau ( /pɔːrtˈmæntoʊ/( About this sound listen) , /ˌpɔːrtmænˈtoʊ/ ) or portmanteau word (from French porte-manteau , suitcase) is a linguistic...