• There you go. That was over quickly, wasn’t it? It’s a short definition because ransomware can be and do a lot of things in a lot of places
  • The Ultimate Guide to Ransomware. Dangerous for you but highly profitable for hackers, ransomware is one of today’s most destructive security threats.
  • StopRansomware.gov is the U.S. Government's official one-stop location for resources to tackle ransomware more effectively.
  • Ransomware is a type of malware that locks computer files until the victim pays a ransom. Learn how ransomware works and how to prevent ransomware attacks.
  • The actual number of ransomware attacks and costs are much higher. In fact, there were an estimated 184 million ransomware attacks last year alone.
  • Learn all about different ransomware types, distribution techniques, and ways you can protect your data from ransomware assaults.
  • Ransomware attacks can cause costly disruptions to operations and the loss of critical information and data.
  • Today, a Ransomware Infection is a Data Breach. The emergence of new strains has slowed down, but ransomware is getting much more sophisticated.
  • All the above-mentioned kinds of ransomware demand payment, most often requesting it to be made in bitcoin or some other hard-to-trace cryptocurrency.
  • This guide covers the history and basics of ransomware, identifies the most common targets and offers expert instructions on how to prevent an attack.