• The final histopathologic report was struma ovarii with well-differentiated neoplasm of uncertain malignant potential.
  • Historically, struma ovarii is managed via surgical removal of the ovarian cyst or mass, to enable a histological diagnosis to be made and to rule out ovarian...
  • Malignant struma ovarii presents with the typical pathological features of PTC, including overlapping “ground glass” or “clear” nuclei, nuclear grooves...
  • Struma ovarii is a rarely seen ovarian tumour that usually diagnosed in postoperative period by pathological examination.
  • The treatment of struma ovarii is surgical consistent in the removal of the ovarian cyst or mass, to enable histological diagnosis to rule out ovarian malignancy [3].
  • The cases of two patients diagnosed with metastatic malignant struma ovarii presenting as a suspect ovarian tumor are reported below.
  • Struma ovarii'nin ultrason (US) özellikleri nonspesifiktir, ancak heterojen, ağırlıklı olarak katı bir kitle görülebilir.
  • Struma ovarii (SO) is a slow-growing ovarian neoplasm with thyroid tissue as its predominant component.
  • As clinical features in struma ovarii patients in the absence of thyrotoxicosis are generally non-specific and resemble ovarian malignancy...