• Step 2: Disassemble and install a new camera, same fault phenomenon remains the same, the problem is determined on the iPhone6 Plus motherboard.
  • Though iPhone has been the top choice among the worldwide market of smart phones, there are still many iPhone camera not working issues.
  • However, you may encounter some problems with iPhone 6. One of them is the iPhone 6s camera not working.
    Bulunamadı: plus
  • As stated above, any unknown change in your device settings can also cause an issue like iPhone 6/6s/6 Plus front camera not working.
  • iPhone 6 plus rear camera is not focusing, won’t remain stable and is blurry no matter how still I get whether video or picture. Automatic or manual focus not...
  • iPhone 6 Plus Camera Problem, Camera Ways, Camera Not Working Camera Jumper. http://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify?uri=blogspot/TMYLX.
  • Iphone 6 plus both camera not working i need help. thx.
    Thank alot work for me aswell.
  • Sorun 1: iPhone 6 Plus otomatik odaklama çalışmıyor. ... Apple, iPhone 6 ve iPhone 6 Plus'ta Faz algılama otomatik odaklama teknolojisini kullanıyor.
  • iphone front camera not working. Check both iPhone cameras. If they work fine during the video call, you can be happy – it’s a software issue you can easily fix.