• Thus, Shakespeare’s art has bridged the gap between romance and realism. Romantic comedy deserves to be called the comedy of humour.
  • Most romantic comedies carry similar plots. As the movie progresses, romance blossoms between the protagonists, and the couple faces hilarious...
  • romantic movies, we reach for a romantic comedy. They're the perfect blend of funny and heartstring-tugging; perfect for soothing a broken heart after a...
  • As with any list of Romantic Comedies, subjectivity plays a huge part. To even the playing field, we came up with four categories to make our selections.
  • While it's certainly possible to dislike most rom-coms, we'd argue that almost everyone can find at least one romantic comedy that resonates with them.
  • The best medicine for dark times is a romantic comedy. If you disagree, you clearly never had a totally rotten day instantly cured by some Nora Ephron magic.
  • The award-winning flick (based on a true story) turns the usual romantic-comedy formula on its head and tackles cross-cultural themes in a totally fresh (and funny)...
  • Romantic comedy (also known as romcom or rom-com) is a subgenre of comedy and romance fiction, focusing on lighthearted...
  • Romantic comedies: Love them or tolerate them—and let's be honest, you can't hate a rom-com—they're always good for a cozy evening and a life lesson or two.