• Humpty Dumpty'nin bir portmanteau gibi tek bir kelimeye sığdırılmış iki anlamı olan teorisi, bana herkes için doğru açıklama gibi görünüyor.
  • First, let's define portmanteau. A portmanteau word is a words that is made by combining two other words.
  • The French word portmanteau describes a two-part suitcase. It combines the words porte, which means “to carry,” and manteau, meaning “cloak.”
  • portmanteau testi, box-pierce tarafından geliştirilen ve ljung-box tarafından yeniden düzenlenmiş, chi square dağılımına uyan bir testtir...
  • Welcome to the Portmanteaur Portmanteau Generator!
  • So what exactly is a portmanteau? Essentially, it's a word that blends two words together. It takes part of a word and part of another and sticks them together.
  • explains to a confused Alice how two words can be packed. together, like compartments in a portmanteau suitcase: Well, “slithy” means “lithe and slimy”.
  • A portmanteau is a large suitcase. The word comes from French porter "carry" and manteau "mantle, or cloak" — so it's what you carry your clothes in.
  • The French word portmanteau describes a two-part suitcase. It combines the words porte, which means “to carry,” and manteau, meaning “cloak.”
  • portmanteau (n.) 1580s, "flexible traveling case or bag for clothes and other necessaries," from Middle French portemanteau "traveling bag," originally "court official...