• A portmanteau word is a new word formed by combining two words, particularly the beginning of one word and the ending of the second word.
  • A portmanteau is a newly created word that results from combining two other words together. It should refer to a single concept, event, job, idea, event, etc.
  • E.g. could not = couldn’t, do not = don’t. In case of portmanteau words, two different words are related to form a new word with a new concept.
  • Portmanteau: What is a Portmanteau, Portmanteau Examples, Pokémon Portmanteau. Поиск.
  • In both smog and spork, the two words used to form the portmanteau help describe the new word, which is a quality of portmanteaus.
  • 36. Chocoholic: A portmanteau of ‘chocolate’ and ‘alcoholic’, used to describe a person who is excessively fond of chocolate. Animal Portmanteau Examples.
  • And How are They Formed? A portmanteau pronounced as (PORT-man-TOW) is actually an autological word, where its meaning explains exactly what it does.
  • A portmanteau is a word that is formed by combining two or more words, often with different meanings, to create a new word.
  • Similarly Eurasia is a portmanteau of Europe and Asia. "Wikipedia" is an example of a portmanteau; it combines the word "wiki" with the word "encyclopedia".
  • Portmanteau, birden fazla kelimenin ve anlamlarının yeni bir kelime oluşturmak için bir araya getirildiği kelimelerin dilsel karışımını ifade eder.