• As clinical features in struma ovarii patients in the absence of thyrotoxicosis are generally non-specific and resemble ovarian malignancy...
  • Struma ovarii este o conditie extrem de rara. Datorita naturii tiroidiene a tesutului ovarian, definirea de neoplazie a strumei ovarii este inca dezbatuta.
  • Struma ovarii'nin ultrason (US) özellikleri nonspesifiktir, ancak heterojen, ağırlıklı olarak katı bir kitle görülebilir.
  • The same is true for histologic malignancy in struma ovarii, as it does not necessarily equate with biological malignancy.
  • Hyperthyroidism — Clinical and biochemical features of hyperthyroidism are uncommon in women with struma ovarii.
  • All patients treated for malignant struma ovarii within a large cancer centre over one decade were identified and data collected retrospectively on presentation...
  • Struma ovarii is an uncommon type of ovarian mature teratoma with a predominant thyroid component.
  • Struma Ovarii - Normal Sözlük benign bir teratomdur. ana komponenti tiroidin parankimal dokusudur ve klinik olarak hipertiroidi bulguları verir...
  • A struma ovarii (kelimenin tam anlamıyla: yumurtalık guatr ) nadir bir formdur Çoğunlukla tiroid dokusu içeren monodermal teratom , hipertiroidiye neden olabilir .
  • While struma ovarii are typically benign, they can develop malignant changes, which occur in about one-third of the cases.