• As recounted in David Gregory's documentary Lost Soul: The Doomed Journey of Richard Stanley's Island of Dr. Moreau (2014), the chaotic events of the making...
  • В ролях: Рон Перлман, Файруза Балк, Нельсон Де Ла Роза и др. После авиакатастрофы над южными водами Тихого океана в живых остается...
  • Ужасы, фантастика, триллер. Режиссер: Джон Франкенхаймер, Ричард Стэнли. В ролях: Марлон Брандо, Вэл Килмер, Дэвид Тьюлис и др. Язык: RU.
  • The Island of Dr. Moreau is a 1996 film about a scientist who attempts to create the perfect race by converting animals into people. Directed by John Frankenheimer.
  • Timid and unfocused in its storytelling, The Island Of Dr. Moreau is more lackluster misfire than morbid curiosity.
  • Set in the year 2010, Dr. Moreau has successfully combined human and animal DNA to make a crossbreed animal.
  • A shipwrecked sailor stumbles upon a mysterious island and is shocked to discover that a brilliant scientist and his lab assistant have found a way to combine human...
  • A shipwrecked sailor stumbles upon a mysterious island and is shocked to discover that a brilliant scientist and his lab assistant have found a way to combine human...
  • The two earlier versions of the story: * 1933's "Island of Lost Souls (1933 film)" starring Charles Laughton and Bela Lugosi * 1977's "The Island of Dr. Moreau...