- netfilm.store film-35983/Caption: "Winter Evening in Gagra (1985) directed by K. Shakhnazarov composer Anatoly Kroll".
- cinemaphile.com slovo-patsana-1000-561247/Nobody is romanticizing this, it was one of the worst times in the history of the Soviet Union, the 90s were even worse, particularly in Russia.
- torinofilmfest.org en/40-torino-film-festival/…Even the psychiatrist who treats him ends up getting involved in his storis, identifying himself with Tsar Nicholas II.
- cinema.rin.ru eng/films/2278/zimniy-vecher-v-…Year : 1985. Duration : 86 min.
- wiki2.org en/Courier_(film)Bazin reports that he dreams of buying a coat, since winter will soon come, and he only has a jacket which is too light. ... Winter Evening in Gagra (1985).
- movieflavor.com similar/Sobachye Serdtse/1988Related movies to watch are "Dog's Heart", "Winter Evening in Gagra" and "The Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin".
- FenLin.ru video/Y94fnHxWCF8Фрагмент из фильма «Зимний вечер в Гаграх» (1985 г.) Зимний вечер в Гаграх / Winter Evening in Gagry (Photo) Скачать.
- laweba.net five-evenings-pyat-vecherov-soviet-…Winter Evening in Gagra | MUSICAL | FULL MOVIE | by Karen ShakhnazarovПодробнее.