• The term “portmanteau” comes from the French word “porte-manteau,” which means “coat rack” or “hanger.”
  • explains to a confused Alice how two words can be packed. together, like compartments in a portmanteau suitcase: Well, “slithy” means “lithe and slimy”.
  • Bilgisayar portmanto örnekleri
    • Alfanümerik – Alfabetik ve sayısal bir portmanteau.
    • Deepfake – Derin öğrenme ve sahte bir portmanteau.
  • A one-sentence definition is easy enough: a portmanteau word is, in summary, a word that has been formed by blending two existing words together.
  • Rodolphus therefore finding such an earnest Invitation, embrac'd it with thanks, and with his Servant and Portmanteau, went to Don Juan's...
  • Portmanteau definition: a case or bag to carry clothing in while traveling, especially a leather trunk or suitcase that opens into two halves..
  • Examples of portmanteau: Brunch – This word is a combination of “breakfast” and “lunch,” and refers to a meal that is eaten in the late morning or early afternoon.
  • Portmanteau Definition Portmanteau is a literary device in which two or more words are joined together to coined a new word relating to a single concept.
  • Portmanteau words, also called blended words or simply portmanteaux, are words that are formed by splicing or merging two other words together.
  • A portmanteau is a word that is formed by combining two or more words, often with different meanings, to create a new word.