• I2P is the Invisible Internet Project that creates its own internet and focuses on secure internal connection between users.
  • CONNECT/SSL/HTTPS proxy: i2p-inproxy.mk16.de:7445 IPv6: ipv6.i2p-inproxy.mk16.de:7465.
  • • Browse I2P eepsites: The browser configuration guide inside the I2P app will help you to start browsing websites inside I2P.
  • With I2P you can maintain your anonymity while you browse the Internet. You'll be able to chat, download torrents or browse with maximum confidentiality.
  • In a nutshell I2P allows encrypted access to other users of I2P without sharing your IP addresses directly.
  • The Invisible Internet Project (I2P) is an anonymous network, similar to Tor. The key difference is that I2P is internal...
  • str4d A blog, guides, services, i2p links and more. bigbrother The news source on i2p for world events, etc. darkreboot darkreboot's new i2p blog, mostly about love.
  • The name I2P is derived from Invisible Internet Project, which, in pseudo-mathematical notation, is represented as I²P.
  • I2P Browser: Everything you need to know about it - Windows …
  • I2P protects your communication from dragnet surveillance and monitoring by third parties such as ISPs. This is similar to proxy apps like Tor.